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induced cracking中文是什么意思

用"induced cracking"造句"induced cracking"怎么读"induced cracking" in a sentence


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  • Hic evaluation of resistance of steel products to hydrogen induced cracking
  • En 10229 evaluation of resistance of steel products to hydrogen induced cracking
  • Fracture development and strain field around the stress induced crack area in sandstone
  • Experimental investigation on sulfide stress corrosion cracking of 16mn hydrogen induced cracking resistance steel
  • The maximal tension stresses in surface and base between induced crack have been obtained by parametric analysis
  • Cracking reasons of the turbine runner are extensive . the fact shows that the leading reason induced cracking is exorbitant stress
  • Thirdly , taking into account thermal stress , friction between surface and base and friction between base and soil , a mechanical model representing the pavement including induced crack is founded
  • Then , taking the maximal tension stress in surface and base and the stress intensity factor at the top of the induced crack as restraining indexes , method to determine the reasonable induced spacing has been determined
  • In this paper , linear fracture mechanics is employed to give a full analysis to the mechanism of reflective crack ' s propagation and the reasonable spacing of the induced crack technology is studied as well
  • Powerhouse structure has been usually looked as an elastic body for dynamical analysis and the seismic reaction has been often analyzed by response spectrum method until the present , but the materials of power - house structure are elastoplastic in nature , small tensile stress may induce cracks
用"induced cracking"造句  
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